Website goals moving forward

The new year has been here for almost 4 months, and I have not really written much here. So as I plan out some of the projects for, and other sites. I thought it would be a good idea to post what one of my goals for this site is. Goal 1 is to post at least once a month. The topics are not concrete, but they will likely be status updates, or something fun that I am working on. As you can already tell, the fun thing I’m working on is getting new and hopefully good content created for this site.

JMGTec Goal 1: Post at least once a month. To be honest, I’m off to a rocky start. As it is almost the end of March, and this is my first post! But I am not going to let that discourage me.  Instead, I am going to write about what I have done so far.

The first thing that has actually helped me get started, is writing down what goals I want to accomplish for this and next year. The goals range from, writing, to creating a structure for my organization. These are not huge goals, but nonetheless they are written down.  I started on paper, just jotting down ideas, and connecting ideas, then moved onto a business plan type of document.

The next thing that has helped me, is to create deadlines. Deadlines are never really fun, but to make progress, and see results I have to create deadlines for myself. I’ve used Google Calendar for my deadlines, as I get notifications on my phone.  In the past I have used apps like Todoist, To-Do, etc… but I tend to create too many items and get overwhelmed with all of them.

Come back next month to see more progress, tips, and maybe a picture of my dog 🙂


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