April 2018 crazy – site moving host


This month has been so crazy and full of things to get done, at school, work, and home. It just seems like there is never enough time to get it all done. Yet, it mostly works out in the end. Yes, some of the assignments may not have great comments in the code. I might have to put in lots of extra hours of work and be a hermit, but it has mostly worked out.

Moving Host

In the midst of the chaos, I have been able to move JMGTec.com to a new web host. I was with the previous host for 8+ years, and they were a good host. But I decided to consolidate my site and a few projects to a single host to save a few dollars, and make management of the sites a little simpler.

Wrapping classes

While it has been super stressful to take classes, and have a major job change; I have really enjoyed what I’ve learned in class. The two teachers that I have are really cool. I’m not sure if it is because I am older, or what… but the material is sticking, and I’ve enjoyed learning! — This does not mean I’m getting good grades… lol, but I’m getting by!

Up Next

This next month should be even more chaotic, as we wrap up classes and move on to the next set of projects. I’m pretty excited for them, but have not had much time to dedicate to them. I’m not quite ready to post what they are about, but they should be pretty cool.

Hopefully next month will not be as crazy as I’m hyping it up to be, but I’m looking forward to the new things to come.

Thank you for stopping by and reading what I have to say! I hope that you come back and check out what I have to say for next month! 

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